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In October we support Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know breast cancer is the most common cancer in women? At MSD, we show solidarity with those facing breast cancer and do everything we can to support further advances to help fighting the disease. Especially during Breast Cancer Awareness Month October we support various activities to educate about the importance of prevention and early detection. Learn more about our commitment.


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Banner: MSD supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month October

In Switzerland, around 6,500 women and 50 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Although new therapies have improved the prognosis of patients with breast cancer, around 1400 people still die from the disease in Switzerland every year.

“We stand united for the mothers, sisters, daughters and loved ones impacted by breast cancer and do everything we can to drive further innovation to help save and improve lives.”

As with many other cancers, the earlier breast cancer is detected, the better the chances of a cure. That’s why we support various initiatives to raise awareness!

Awareness campaign in the Pink Cube

In October, we support the awareness campaign “Sag Nein zu Brustkrebs, sag Ja zur FrĂĽherkennung! ” (Say no to breast cancer, say yes to early detection) in partnership with EUROPA DONNA Switzerland and the sponsors GILEAD and AstraZeneca.

On 8 days in October, the pink container “Pink Cube” will be located in Liestal, Chur, Baden and Zurich, where gynecologists will offer interested visitors free consultations and breast examinations. Everyone is invited to visit the Pink Cube.

Find out more here

Banner: Pink Cube Campaign 2023
Banner: website about breast cancer

Website about breast cancer

Just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month October, we have expanded our patient portal MSD Gesundheit with information about breast cancer. The website provides detailed information about the disease including risks and options for prevention, early detection and treatment of breast cancer.

In addition, the website offers answers to the most frequently asked questions about breast cancer and information on where affected people can get advice and support.

Visit the MSD Patient Portal

Pink Ribbon Charity Walk

A feelgood moment for our colleagues with more than 50 MSD Switzerland team members taking part in the Pink Ribbon Charity Walk. 

The solidarity walk celebrates survivors, remembers those that we have lost, raises awareness, and much-needed funds to work towards the vision of zero deaths from breast cancer.

Our collective total distance was 208 km! It wasn’t just the Oncology team members, we were there as a cross-functional MSD team showing our joint commitment to fight breast cancer together.

MSD employees at the Pink Ribbon Charity Walk

Facts about breast cancer you should know

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, accounting for nearly one-third of all cancer diagnoses. In Switzerland, about 6,500 women and 50 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year and around 1,410 people die from it each year. The rate of disease increases with age. Nevertheless, a quarter of all patients are younger than 50 at the time of diagnosis. Breast self-examination is one of the easiest breast cancer detection methods that every person should do. For women over 50, mammography is recommended to detect breast cancer at an early stage.
The earlier breast cancer is detected and treated, the better the chances of cure. That’s the message we want to get across to everyone!

About our clinical research in Oncology

Did you know that MSD operates one of the world’s largest and fastest growing clinical research programs in oncology? It currently includes more than 1,600 clinical trials. Switzerland is part of this research program. Our team currently coordinates 34 clinical trials in different tumor types (as of 10/2023). MSD is also one of the leading companies in the research of vaccines against preventable diseases, such as cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers. In Switzerland, we collaborate with various partners to advance innovative solutions in cancer treatment. In recent years, we have made an important contribution to improving treatment options for cancer patients.

Find out more about our work here.

CH-NON-01897, 10/2023