Infectious diseases

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MSD's Commitment to Combating Antimicrobial Resistance: A Call for Global Action

Alarming levels of drug-resistant infections have been reported in humans and animals in countries of all income brackets.

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Health protection through vaccination

Do you know diseases that vaccination can help to prevent? Here you can find out more.

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Our commitment to the fight against COVID-19

As a company with a long legacy of research in vaccines and infectious diseases, we’ve been committed to advancing an effective response to COVID-19 since it was first discovered.

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Addressing antibiotic resistance is more critical than ever. Here’s why.

Since their development, antibiotics have transformed health care and saved countless lives globally. But rising levels of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) make current antibiotics less effective.

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Walking the Talk: Lunch & Learn about HPV

Prevention starts with us! To mark International HPV Awareness Day, we met with gynecologist Dr. Alina Staikov for a Lunch & Learn. During the meeting, we had the opportunity to learn about the impact human papillomavirus (HPV) can have on our health and how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from the viruses and certain cancers it causes.

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Our commitment to HIV treatments and prevention through the years

We continue to work at the forefront of the fight against HIV.